SYRACUSE — Syracuse Board of Zoning Appeals heard four variance requests at its meeting Thursday, Feb. 16. All four cases were approved.
Danny and Linda Strombeck petition for a variance was approved. The couple want to allow the construction of a new residence 20 feet from the road’s right of way and 22.40 feet from the water’s edge.
The property is located at 1416 S. Harkless Drive.
William and Elizabeth Sweitzer petition for a variance was granted. The couple want to allow the construction of a one-story residential addition 20.3 feet from the west right of way, 9.3 feet from the north sideline, and 17.3 feet from the east right of way. The property is located at 913 S. Lake Drive.
Wawasee Plaza LLC petition for a variance was approved. The business wants to allow the construction of decking over an existing roof at zero feet from the southwest right of way. The property is located at 710 N. Huntington St.
Donald and Terry Krofp’s petition for a variance was granted. The couple asked to allow a residential addition (attached garage with living quarters above) 13.6 feet from the right of way. The property is located at 114 N. Front St. However, the case was approved at 17 feet from the right of way.
The next meeting is 6 p.m. Thursday, March 16, at Syracuse Town Hall.