SYRACUSE — Two variances and an exception were discussed at the regular meeting of the Syracuse Board of Zoning Appeals Thursday, June 15.
Wawasee Plaza LLC’s petition for a variance was discussed at length. The variance is to allow the change and alteration to previously granted variances by allowing three additional units totaling 18 units to be utilized for residential or permitted commercial uses.
The property is located at 101 E. Main St., Syracuse, at the intersection with Huntington Street.
The petitioner wishes to expand the building by allowing three additional units totaling 18 units. Only three units can be residential.
Eric Wiggs of Wawasee Plaza LLC spoke at the meeting. “We have 21,000 square feet,” he said.
However, Matt Sandy of the Area Planning Commission and other board members wondered if there is enough parking to accommodate extra units.
“We have ample parking,” Wiggs said adding, “We have one parking spot per unit. We have 12 spots (for parking).” He also said there’s a town parking lot nearby.
“Parking is an aspect we need to consider,” said Larry Coplen, chairman.
Randy Cox, the new board member, asked if there is a fire suppression system in the building. Wiggs said there are three stairs to use in the event of a fire. He said he’s met with the fire chief and “we are working on that process.”
“We want to be safe,” Wiggs stressed.
Sandy said it can have 15 units but only three can be residential. He said the board is really looking at two matters: adding three units and allow interchangeable units for residential or permitted commercial usage.
Coplen stressed the fire safety issue is important but exceeds the board’s authority.
Three emails sent by Syracuse Town Council members were read by Sandy. All were mainly against the petition.
A remonstrator, Shirley Moore, spoke at the meeting regarding parking. “Half of the (town) parking lot is filled,” she said.
Syracuse Town Council President Tom Hoover addressed the board. He said each unit is required to have two parking spots. He gave the board a copy of Syracuse’s parking code. He said he talked to Fire Chief Mickey Scott about the fire hazard issue.
Sandy stressed, “We enforce zoning ordinances only.”
Syracuse Building Inspector Hal Hansborough said he has not received any paperwork regarding the matter. He said the petitioner must file with the state first if he’s going to do any work.
Ben Plikerd was not allowed to vote on the matter as he is affiliated with Wawasee Plaza. After considerable discussion for more than an hour, the matter was tabled until July.
McClure Oil’s petition is for an exception to change and alter a non-conforming gas station by allowing the replacement of the existing pumps and tanks and by allowing the addition of four new pumps.
The property is located at 311 S. Huntington St.
McClure Oil’s petition for a variance is to allow underground tanks and lines, per Indiana Department of Environmental Management, 28 feet from the right of way and to allow the existing canopy to remain as placed 5 feet from the southeast right of way.
There was no remonstrance, but both cases were continued until the July meeting in order for the petitioner to provide a more detailed site plan.
The next meeting is at 6 p.m. July 20, at Syracuse Town Hall.