The Syracuse-Wawasee Trail Committee heard updates on several projects Monday night, Sept. 24. Pictured, from left, are trail committee members Chad Jonsson, Robert Smith and Matthew Bochard. (Photo by Phoebe Muthart)
SYRACUSE — The Conklin Bay boardwalk and trail project is moving along, the Syracuse-Wawasee Trail Committee heard at its meeting Monday, Sept. 24.
There was a pre-bid meeting Thursday, Sept. 13. There are four companies interested in bidding as general contractor, as well as 11 bidding the boardwalk portion, and four bidding the concrete portion to the general contractors.
The final bids are due at 2 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 4. The board will decide on a contractor at its Monday, Oct. 15, meeting.
For approval for a permit, INDOT usually requires the trail to be 10 feet wide but, said McClellan, it agreed to compromise at 8 feet, requiring additional engineering services. A modification of services agreement from Earth Source was discussed.
Some contractors expressed an interest in starting the project in the winter.
“This could be happening soon,” said Megan McClellan, executive director, said of the project. The project is expected to cost $1.7 million.
Striping along the Cornelius Road trail, near Warner Road, was discussed. McClellan contacted the county highway department to make sure it will be addressed.
A lip on the Syracuse Lake trail needs to be fixed. There have been a few incidents stemming from the problem. McClellan contacted the county highway department and Pulver Asphalt Paving, who did the work, to check on “alternates” to fix the problem.
Dr. Tom Edington gave the August treasurer’s report. Donations totaled $35,905 and expenses totaled $7,740.09. A $30,000 donation came from the WPOA cottage tour and $5,000 from the Tour des Lakes event.
“We had more donations than expenses,” he said.
An update on the trail brochures was given. A map of the trail system will be featured on the brochures.
Signs along the new Syracuse-Webster Road trail were discussed. The signs will designate some crosswalks. McClellan will contact the county highway department to be sure of the ordinance requirements.
Gov. Eric Holcomb announced he will allot $90 million for trail projects during the next three years. This money will be used for “shovel ready” projects. A thank you letter will be sent to Holcomb.
The next Tour des Lakes meeting is at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 3, at the trail office.
In maintenance news, several damaged signs need to be replaced. Also, the Cornelius boardwalk needs to be sealed and also, the parking lot near the trail needs to be filled.
Renting or purchasing a storage shed was discussed. The shed will be used to store equipment. McClellan will check to see what the cost is to build or buy one. She already received quotes to rent one.
Volunteer of the Month is Jill Garris, who has helped with planning the fall Tails and Trails event.
Upcoming Events
A walk and yoga are at 9 a.m. Thursdays, at Syracuse Public Library.
Walk to School Day is Wednesday, Oct. 10.
Brooke Point Fall Carnival is from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 20.
Falltastic Trail Walk from noon to 4 p.m. Oct. 20-21, at WACF.
Fall Tails and Trails is from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 27, at Syracuse Community Center.
The next meeting is at 6 p.m. Monday, Oct. 15.