Wawasee High School’s marching band took part in the Syracuse Memorial Day parade. InkFreeNews photos by Phoebe Muthart.
By Phoebe Muthart
SYRACUSE — Syracuse celebrated and commemorated Memorial Day, Monday May 29, first with a parade and then with a solemn ceremony at Syracuse Cemetery.
Pat Park, pastor of Church in the Heights, Syracuse, and a retired Navy first lieutenant, delivered the opening and closing prayer at the cemetery. Park spent 25 years in the U.S. Navy, before retiring.
Chris Longenbaugh, service officer for Syracuse American Legion Post 223, read the names of veterans buried in cemeteries in Syracuse and Turkey Creek Township, beginning with the American Civil War until present.
The guest speaker was David Wilkinson, Syracuse town manager. He is an Army veteran and a retired police officer. He joined the Army when he was 17 years old and spent six years in the military. He also had family members who served in the military.
“It is quite an honor to be here today,” he said. “To me, Memorial Day is most sacred. I appreciate being asked to participate today.”
He said Memorial Day was originally know as Decoration Day, and originated three years after the Civil War, and in 1971, it became an official national holiday.
He said Memorial Day is a way to honor those “who made the ultimate sacrifice.”
“We would be disrespectful if we did not honor these individuals,” he said. “We honor their memory today.”
He also quoted a portion of Abe Lincoln’s famous speech he delivered in 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa.
The Wawasee Marching Warrior Band played the National Anthem. Next, the 21-gun salute took place and taps was played.
David Wilkinson, Syracuse town manager, spoke at Syracuse Cemetery Monday, May 29. He is an Army veteran.
Syracuse American Legion Post 223 Honor Guard took part in a ceremony at Syracuse Cemetery.
Pat Park gave the opening prayer at Syracuse’s Memorial Day ceremony at the cemetery.
Syracuse Cub Scout Pack 3828 took part in the Memorial Day parade.
The Syracuse Elementary Drum Circle provided rhythmic percussion during the parade.
Pictured is one of several vehicles in the Syracuse parade.