Lichelle Parker, left, the new district administrator, chats with President Jim Haney after the Lakeland Regional Sewer District Board of Trustees meeting June 21. InkFreeNews photo by Phoebe Muthart.
By Phoebe Muthart
WARSAW — The new district administrator was welcomed at the Lakeland Regional Sewer District Board of Trustees’ meeting Wednesday night, June 21.
Lichelle Parker is the district’s new administrator.
A majority of the meeting, however, centered around Lakelife Bar and Grill’s grease violations.
Samples were tested and show the restaurant is violating code. Astbury Water Technology tested the samples, most recently three times.
The restaurant’s owner had the injector pump cleaned. However, while the pump and grease traps were cleaned, high levels of grease were still detected.
Joe Gallas, owner of Lakelife Bar and Grill, said the levels shouldn’t be high and argued he was in compliance twice. Test results show otherwise.
“They need to be cleaned more frequently,” said President Jim Haney.
“It’s not ideal — sewage and grease,” said another board member. “You don’t want to pump to a grease trap.”
A board member said it’s about accountability of the customer, and a grinder pit was installed.
“It was installed correctly,” stressed Gallas.
“No, it wasn’t,” said Rich Dan, one of the trustees. “There’s no due diligence.”
“Ever since the grinder pit was put in, there’s been a problem,” said Gallas. He said he has done everything he can to fix the problem.
When asked if he called the health department, Gallas said he did not.
The state prohibits any waste going into a grease trap. Gallas argued that grease traps don’t eliminate it all. If it has 25% grease in a trap, it must be cleaned.
One board member disagreed, stating Gallas has done his due diligence to solve the issue.
“He’s not dragging his feet,” said Bob Marcuccilli, a board member. “I feel Lakelife has improved our district.”
The board decided Gallas needed a written plan to fix the problem.
“We need a plan from you that it’s going to be fixed. You’re not in compliance,” said Dan.
Lakelife’s sewer bill has been $2,500 each month, said Gallas.
“That’s too high,” he said. Several board members agreed.
“I don’t agree with it; it is not right,” said Marcuccilli of the bill.
The board discussed a financial impact study of rate changes to commercial users.
After debating whether to eliminate outdoor seating, which reflects on a businesses’ sewer bill, the board voted to eliminate outdoor seating counts for the two restaurants in the district — LakeLife and Barbee Hotel — by a vote of 4-2, effective Aug. 1.
The board agreed to continue conducting testing sample. Gallas has until July 31 to submit a written plan outlining how he intends to fix the problem and to contact the county health department.
The treasurer’s report was given by Mike DeWald.
“We have a positive cash flow. What’s unique is we sold three grinders for $16,000,” he said. “We are in good shape.”
In other news, the board:
• Heard Astbury’s monthly report and panel and pump inventory.
• An engineering update was given by DLZ’s ferric chloride project.
• Send customer protocol reminders to customers in the district to not turn breakers off.
• Amend a resolution pertaining to Indiana PERF participation.
• Table an amendment to section 5.4 of the district’s use ordinance pertaining to port-a-potties.
• Have a bid notice for the sale of a roll-off container; bids will be opened at the next meeting.
The next meeting is at 6 p.m. Wednesday, July 19, at the district’s office, 5002 E. CR 100N, Warsaw.