Schrock Fields and other park projects were discussed at Syracuse Parks and Recreation Board meeting Monday night, Feb. 14. Shown from left are Program Director Darin Lursen, park board member David Johnston and Park Superintendent Chad Jonsson. InkFreeNews photo by Phoebe Banks.
By Phoebe Banks
Staff Writer
SYRACUSE — The new ballfield, tree removals, a new mower and other park project updates were discussed at Syracuse Parks and Recreation Board meeting Monday night, Feb. 14.
Chad Jonsson, park superintendent, gave an update on tree board projects. A tree at Lakeside Park has been removed and several more trees need to be removed. Jonsson has submitted a grant application to Tree City USA and it is currently being reviewed.
“In mid-March, we will know if we are awarded with a Tree City distinction or not,” he said.
Jonsson gave park board members an update on the new Schrock Fields project. He said all the plumbing and electrical work is done. Insulation work will be conducted inside the buildings and garage doors, drywall work, and siding are to be done soon. Siding has been delivered and so has the playground equipment, he noted.
A request from the Syracuse-Wawasee Rotary Club to serve alcohol at its March event was approved. The event is a poker tournament and a fundraiser for the club’s scholarship fund.
The seventh annual Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament will be Saturday, March 12, at Syracuse Community Center. Doors open at 9 a.m. and play begins at 10 a.m. To pre-register, email erickleffler@gmail.com.
Syracuse Community Center’s painting project has started. Interior work began last week and one room is scheduled to be completed this week. The gym will be the last part of the building to be painted.
A mower for the new ballfield was discussed. A variety of mower brochures were passed around for park board members to review. Mowers include zero turn mowers and Toro, John Deere, Hustler and Ventrac mowers.
Park board members said a mower that is versatile would be good as it could be used for a variety of reasons, such as snow removal.
“It would be great for us in the long term,” said Jonsson. “I’d like to try it first.”
A gas or diesel mower was debated with most members vying for a gas one. “We don’t need a diesel one,” said President Paul Newcomer.
The board did not, however, approve a mower at the meeting.
Henry Ward’s pavilion project was also discussed. An architect is reviewing the work so a composite drawing can be completed for the state to approve.
Park board members heard an update on Laudeman Park’s plantings. Jonsson said he talked to Heartland Restoration about the plants to be put around the east and south side of the park.
Signage at Veteran’s Memorial Park at Crosson Mill was also discussed. Signs, such as “fish at your own risk,” “stay off the dam” and “no swimming or wading,” were also debated by park board members. Jonsson said there is time to review the signs before finally approving them.
Jonsson gave the park’s financial report for Jan. 10 to Feb. 14 and the financial report for January for park board members to review.
Darin Lursen gave the program report. He said the adult basketball league is “going fine” and there is three weeks left in the season.
Bingo with the Knights of Columbus “went well” last month with 30 people in attendance, he said.
An indoor garage sale is from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 5, at the community center. The sign-up list is full, but there’s a waiting list, said Lursen.
A princess party is March 19; registration is now open. To register, call (574) 457-3440.