SYRACUSE — The SR 13 crossing project has been approved by Indiana Department of Transportation, the Syracuse-Wawasee Trails Committee heard Monday, Oct. 17.
A pedestrian light will be installed at the intersection of SR 13 and Pickwick Drive. The town is interested in helping, said Megan McClellan, executive director.
“We are waiting to hear how much the town will do and then we will put this project to bid for the spring,” she said.
In other news, donor recognition plaques for the Conklin Bay project were discussed. Five proposals were presented at the meeting. A trailhead kiosk for plaques was also discussed. The committee decided it is too premature to make a final decision on plaques but agreed donors will definitely be recognized in some way. There is also the possibility of naming rights, if a large enough donation is obtained. If interested in donating, contact McClellan at her office in downtown Syracuse.
The committee also discussed Northshore Drive drainage issues. A French drain will not work, said McClellan, who will contact a contractor to deal with and fix the drainage issue.
A cement pad for the placement of a picnic table, along a portion of the trail, was discussed. The cost for cement will be around $250 and the Rotary Club or high school students may help with the project.
McClellan discussed two recent training seminars she has attended. She attended a seminar on “Fundraising for Small Not Profits.” She received some good ideas she would like to implement, such as improving the strategic plan and creating a more detailed donor base.
“More than 80 percent of donations are given by individuals,” she said.
She also attended a Safe Routes to School seminar. The implementation of a “walking school bus” and possibly a safety coordinator was discussed at the seminar. A safe walking route to the new Syracuse Elementary School is “extremely important,” said McClellan. After hearing the details, however, the committee decided to let the Wawasee Community School Corp. handle the proposal.
The Phil Hartley Memorial Fund has been set up to benefit the trails, the committee heard.
Dr. Tom Edington gave the treasurer’s report. In September, he said there were $3,718.54 in donations and expenses were $135,251.63. Expenses were mainly for the Eli Lilly trail project for which the committee had already received dedicated donations, as well as a grant from the K21 Health Foundation. A one-time yearly insurance payment was also another expense.
McClellan gave the funds overview report. She has submitted several grants and a letter of request to the Dane and Mary Louise Miller Foundation.
Volunteer of the Month is Jenn Deneen. Trail T-shirts have arrived and cost $15.
The next meeting is at 6 p.m. Monday, Nov. 21, at the trails office in downtown Syracuse.